Adam Cross
Adam Cross

More Than a Like: Social Media and Mental Health

Depending on who you ask, social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends or is the single source of all society’s problems today. So how do we make sense of social media when considering our mental health and the mental health of our families?

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Don't give up You are not alone You Matter signs
Adam Cross

Helping Parents Find a Therapist

As those walking with teens in the faith, God works through Youth Ministers and Core members for teens to get the help they really need. Part of this accompaniment with teens is having honest conversations with parents so that teens can get professional help for their mental health.

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Woman with a hoody at the beach
Adam Cross

The Struggle is Real: Helping Teens with Mental Health

You’ve probably had a teenager who has wrestled with this, and a significant part of your youth group likely experiences some kind of mental health issue. So how can you help? The good news is that as a Youth Minister and someone walking with teens in the faith, Christ gives us real tools to help teens actively struggling with mental health.

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Woman smiling
Adam Cross

Friends or Ministry?

When working in ministry, it can be easy to confuse authentic friendships with those we are ministering with or to. While Christ calls us to love others, He doesn’t call us to be best friends with everyone we encounter. So what does an authentic Christ-centered friendship look like then?

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two woman hugging
Adam Cross

How to Say “I’m Not OK”

Jesus showed us the grace in having help in our suffering even as Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross even to his death. Sharing our burdens with those we trust helps lighten the load of our crosses and means we are letting God work through those around us.

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a paper mache heart ripping
Adam Cross

Hatred and Forgiveness

There are people in our lives that have hurt us, maybe are continuing to hurt us in some way. There are people who have betrayed us, embarrassed us, treated us so poorly. How can we possibly forgive, in the face of such anger? How can we find peace in the middle of such hurt?

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a male playing guitar
Adam Cross

Time Well Spent During COVID-19

While our daily routines are up in the air for now, do your best to have fun, remain healthy,  and invite the Prince of Peace Himself into your daily life. For some inspiration, look no further than… right here.

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teens walking
Adam Cross

Evangelizing with Anxiety

Anxiety does not define you. The truth is that Christ longs to help us carry our crosses of anxiety and calls us to take real steps towards real healing. Within these steps towards healing, we are able to share our faith exactly how He calls us to and walk with others towards Christ and the Gospel.

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Adam Cross

Why Jesus Matters

If Jesus is Lord, everything changes. Jesus being God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, means that you are infinitely loved by your Father in heaven and are given the Church through the Holy Spirit to live a fulfilling and meaningful life in Christ.

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