All is Well: A Catholic Breakup Playlist

Breakups aren’t fun, plain and simple.

They hurt and can bruise and leave you with a boatload of questions; and that’s okay. It’s okay to let your emotions out. It’s okay to reflect and process all that’s stirring within your heart and to recognize what you are feeling, but it’s even more important to not let yourself be consumed by those feelings. A lot of breakup playlists out there focus on being angry or dwelling in sadness, but we have no reason to despair! We have a God that loves us so deeply, and satisfies the deepest desires of our heart. Here are some positive ways to move forward from a breakup.

1) Singlehood is a gift

Singlehood is an opportunity to draw nearer to the one who’s love could never be lost. It’s an opportunity to run towards God and grow in a deeper and more intimate relationship with him. Give your sorrow to the lord and let him heal you. Nothing in this world can satisfy our hearts like the one who created it.

2) Don’t romanticize a break up

In a world full of rom coms it can be easy for our hopeless romantic hearts to hold onto an idea and cling to it for dear life. But we need to trust in God’s plan for our lives and trust that he wills the best for us. If our eyes are stuck looking to the past, we can miss the next step that God might be leading us towards.

3) Run to the Eucharist

The good news is that we don’t have to go through this time alone! We are blessed to be able to encounter Jesus fully present in the Eucharist any day we wish. Go to your local adoration chapel, sit and fix your eyes upon Jesus and allow him to gaze back on you with love. Go to mass and receive communion, and have the true presence of God within you, carrying you throughout the day.

4) Find healthy ways to vent

Find positive ways to begin healing. Maybe pick up journaling and write out how you’re feeling, or talk to a priest and receive some spiritual direction. Or if you’re like me, heal through the gift of music and jam out to this playlist.

I hope these songs serve you well and know you are all in my prayers.

Click here to listen on Spotify.

Editor’s Note: We want to be sure you know that Life Teen has no control over any ads that you hear while listening to this playlist on a free spotify account. Also, just because a song is included on the playlist, that does not imply that we endorse or support everything about the artist and/or their music.