Overthinking Vocation

Sometimes it’s clear what the Lord wants us to do, unfolding our way to holiness in small choices and responsibilities we make every day; but other times, it takes more time and prayer to know what we are supposed to do.

Seeking God’s Will and Following Your Dreams

My words of wisdom are: ‘It’s OK to not know what you are doing for the rest of your life at 18 years old.’” I was quite proud of myself. Not so much when I tripped and fell off of the stage moments later.

Dreaming Like God

Fear can often blind us from truth, and the truth is, decisions made out of fear are rarely the right ones.

3 Ways to Keep Your Faith Alive in College

Fortunately, there are just three not-so-secret ingredients to keeping your faith alive that I can guarantee you WILL find on campus, however close to or far from home you may end up.