7 Church Fathers You Need to Know

If there was a mixtape of the biggest hits from the first few hundred years of Christianity, it would be filled with tracks from the Church Fathers — the OGs of Catholicism.

Relationship and Religion: why Both are Necessary

Nowadays, it’s common for people to identify as spiritual rather than religious, which makes it tempting to think of the Church as an outdated way of relating to God. Or maybe even to think of her as a barrier between God and us. If I know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, then why have the Church at all?

Identifying Truth in a World of Counterfeits

In my pursuit of truth, over and over I’ve arrived at truths, only to find out they were already upheld by the Catholic Church. This really helped me see how my previous perspective about the Church “forcing” truth onto people was off the mark.

Celebrating Death: the Tradition of Día de los Muertos

Unlike the more terror-inducing traditions that happen on and around Halloween in the United States, Día de los Muertos attempts to instead demonstrate the joy that can be found when death isn’t dreaded, but embraced.

Is the Catholic Church Sexist?

Unfortunately, however, when the Catholic Church enters the discussion, it’s immediately branded as a male-dominated institution full of prejudices.