Pro-Life Heroes Helped me Choose Life

I believe that fear is what drives woman to abortion, fear is what convinces them they have no other options. But fear can be cast out. Fear can be met head on, and fear can be conquered.

5 Tips for Arguing About Tough Catholic Truths in the Classroom

Rest in peace my grades. Rest in peace all of my friends and any amount of “coolness” that I had. It was nice knowing you. I did a presentation for my class against abortion during my sophomore year of high school. And on that day I was pretty sure I […]

How Jesus Taught us to be Pro-Life

What’s the “Jesus way” of dealing with brokenness, sin, and pain? Jesus’ answer to sin and pain is to love the person in front of Him.

Don’t be Fooled: How to See Past the Glamour of Sin

Sin can disguise itself as whatever it can, but it can be the most dangerous when it puts on the mask that it’s something so beautiful, so precious, and so well loved that you feel ostracized if you don’t take part in it.

This is What Death with Dignity is Really About

As we come to halfway point of the year of mercy I need to come clean. I haven’t gone the extra mile, I haven’t picked up a new work of mercy to embark on during this time, I haven’t frequented reconciliation more or prepared better for my encounters with the […]

St. John Paul II Taught Me How to Die

I met a man with Parkinson’s’ Disease last week. He lay sunken into his hospital bed, face blank as he watched the tiny television screen in the corner. Slowly, he was helped to his feet. His hands shook, as is expected in patients with Parkinson’s. As he walked, his foot […]