Coordinator of Youth Ministry
COMPANY: Nativity Catholic Church


Nativity Catholic Church is seeking a Coordinator of Youth Ministry who will work collaboratively with the Director of Youth Ministry to empower young people to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Supervised by the Director of Youth Ministry, the Coordinator will work closely with families, other ministry directors, and parish groups to engage the youth of Nativity in living out their Catholic faith. With an emphasis on middle school ministry, the Coordinator role involves planning, executing, and overseeing various Youth Ministry programs as assigned.


  •  Facilitate middle school Edge program and ongoing fellowship opportunities for youth in grades 6-8
  •  Support, form, and expand the Core Team of adult volunteers and high school leaders who assist with middle school Youth Ministry
  • Coordinate a week-long service/learning summer camp for middle schoolers
  • Collaborate with other parish groups (Nativity School, Religious Education Department, etc.) to provide retreat opportunities for young people, including the 8th grade retreat and the Confirmation retreats
  • Work collaboratively with the Director (including the Director of Social Media to maintain brand consistency) to manage communication streams for the ministries – Flocknote (email/texting platform), Instagram, parish website, bulletin updates, etc.
  • Support the Director with large-scale programs for youth, such as parish Soup Suppers, WorkCamp, retreats, etc.
  • Build community with other youth workers in the Diocese by regularly attending Diocesan trainings, in-services, and deanery meetings
  • Maintain accurate records of participating youth and collaborate with parish Child Protection liaison to ensure all volunteers are compliant
  • Serve as a liaison for other parish groups that engage youth in grades 6-8 (Nativity School, Religious Education Department, CYO Sports, Theater Ministry, Scouts, etc.)
  • May be required to perform other duties as assigned within the broad scope of Youth Ministry

Nativity Catholic Church is known for its joyful and vibrant atmosphere, evidenced in both the parish staff culture and the parish community as a whole. From a rootedness in our Catholic identity, we are committed to serving others, particularly the poor and vulnerable. We have dedicated volunteers for the ministries and a supportive Pastor who prioritizes reaching out to young people.

Mission statement: We, the people of Nativity Catholic Church, by our Baptism, are joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to love God, love others, and form new disciples. We celebrate Jesus Christ in Word, Sacrament, and Service.

Nativity Catholic Church is part of the Diocese of Arlington and is located in Burke, VA, a suburb of Washington, D.C.


Send a cover letter and resume to Rebecca Judge: [email protected]


Nativity Catholic Church is seeking a Coordinator of Youth Ministry who will work collaboratively with the Director of Youth Ministry to empower young people to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Supervised by the Director of Youth Ministry, the Coordinator will work closely with families, other ministry directors, and parish groups to engage the youth of Nativity in living out their Catholic faith. With an emphasis on middle school ministry, the Coordinator role involves planning, executing, and overseeing various Youth Ministry programs as assigned.


  •  Facilitate middle school Edge program and ongoing fellowship opportunities for youth in grades 6-8
  •  Support, form, and expand the Core Team of adult volunteers and high school leaders who assist with middle school Youth Ministry
  • Coordinate a week-long service/learning summer camp for middle schoolers
  • Collaborate with other parish groups (Nativity School, Religious Education Department, etc.) to provide retreat opportunities for young people, including the 8th grade retreat and the Confirmation retreats
  • Work collaboratively with the Director (including the Director of Social Media to maintain brand consistency) to manage communication streams for the ministries – Flocknote (email/texting platform), Instagram, parish website, bulletin updates, etc.
  • Support the Director with large-scale programs for youth, such as parish Soup Suppers, WorkCamp, retreats, etc.
  • Build community with other youth workers in the Diocese by regularly attending Diocesan trainings, in-services, and deanery meetings
  • Maintain accurate records of participating youth and collaborate with parish Child Protection liaison to ensure all volunteers are compliant
  • Serve as a liaison for other parish groups that engage youth in grades 6-8 (Nativity School, Religious Education Department, CYO Sports, Theater Ministry, Scouts, etc.)
  • May be required to perform other duties as assigned within the broad scope of Youth Ministry


Nativity Catholic Church is known for its joyful and vibrant atmosphere, evidenced in both the parish staff culture and the parish community as a whole. From a rootedness in our Catholic identity, we are committed to serving others, particularly the poor and vulnerable. We have dedicated volunteers for the ministries and a supportive Pastor who prioritizes reaching out to young people.

Mission statement: We, the people of Nativity Catholic Church, by our Baptism, are joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to love God, love others, and form new disciples. We celebrate Jesus Christ in Word, Sacrament, and Service.

Nativity Catholic Church is part of the Diocese of Arlington and is located in Burke, VA, a suburb of Washington, D.C.


Send a cover letter and resume to Rebecca Judge: [email protected]