Title: Director of Youth Ministry
Status: Full Time – Exempt
Position Summary:
The Director of Youth Ministry (DYM) is passionate about leading high school teens closer to Christ through relational ministry, teaching and worship. This vital role coordinates the forming of Christ-centered relationships, joyfully proclaiming the teaching of the Catholic Church, and nurturing the Core Team and teens in discipleship. The DYM works under the direction of the Pastor as a member of the Parish Staff.
The Parish Staff is a group of disciples that are passionate about leading people closer to Christ through relational ministry and discipling of leaders. We recognize that this comes with great affirmation but also great spiritual attack, criticism, and sometimes frustration. We support each other in prayer through our victories and help each other when we fall. We strive for the best because the Gospel deserves it.
Our mission is to boldly proclaim Christ through the most fruitful practices of relational ministry and disciple-making, which empower “passionate” Catholics to become authentic and fearless disciples. We live that mission every day through a culture that is authentic, affirming, faithful to our primary vocation, joyful, charitable, centered in a Eucharistic-spirituality, and filled with a spirit of evangelization.
The individual that is going to succeed as DYM is self-motivated, collaborative, and joyful. Our DYM is excited at the prospect of forming a team to help disciple the high school youth of the parish.
This position isn’t for everyone, but if you think it might be for you then read on:
How you will make an impact at St. Mary of the Falls
• Promotes the formation of youth and adult leaders;
• Leads the Core Team and catechists in planning and coordinating programs and services;
• Develops job descriptions and recruitment processes;
• Facilitates the training and support of leaders;
• Recruits teen and adult leaders as role models, faith leaders, volunteers, and core members.
These are the skills you need to get the job:
Education, Training, and Experience
• BA in Theology/Religious Education or a related educational field and/or a certificate in Youth Ministry or theology from a Catholic institution of higher learning.
• Proven participation and continuing updating of the Virtus Safe Environment Program sponsored through the diocese.
• Promotes the formation of youth and adult leaders;
• Leads the Core Team and catechists in planning and coordinating programs and services;
• Develops job descriptions and recruitment processes;
• Facilitates the training and support of leaders;
• Recruits teen and adult leaders as role models, faith leaders, volunteers, and Core Team members.
Faith Formation
• Develops and directs the 8th grade Confirmation Program for teen-aged youth;
• Develops and implements evangelization and outreach programs for high school youth;
• Promotes active youth worship including inclusive and participative liturgy and prayer opportunities;
• Creates and oversees retreat opportunities;
• Makes certain all events and programs reflect sound Catholic teaching;
• Provides for and participates in ongoing education opportunities;
• Creates opportunities for service and links such opportunities to the fostering of peace and justice.
• Represents the needs of youth to the pastor, the pastoral team and the community;
• Facilitates the development of community among young people, their families, their parish and the local community;
• Supports families in their role of promoting healthy adolescent development and faith growth;
• Partners with local schools and the civic community to promote effective services for youth and positive values in youth;
• Acts as a liaison with the national Life Teen office and the Diocesan Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry;
• Is informed of and adheres to Church policies, local, state and federal laws pertaining to abuse to minors;
• Insures that all adult volunteers have received appropriate Virtus training and that they adhere to Safeguard the Children policies.
• Facilitates the planning, implementation and evaluation of department goals;
• Supervises the activities and schedules of department employees;
• Establishes a collaborative relationship with other members of the pastoral team;
• Develops and monitors a budget in collaboration with the Pastor and Business Manager;
• Assures that all legal, moral, and Diocesan responsibilities are provided for within the context of the youth program;
• Effectively provides communication to teens, the parish, and community regarding activities and events;
• Develops and maintains records and database(s) of information pertinent to the department such as membership lists, resource materials, event information, etc.
• Attends and actively participates at parish staff meetings and events;
• Keeps open lines of communication with other members of the parish staff regarding any items of concern or interest;
• Develops working relationships with School and Religious Education Departments and their staffs so as to provide youth with opportunities to be introduced to youth programs;
• Makes certain that parish property is respected and appropriately used;
• Participates in the life and activities of the parish and develops opportunities for youth to be visibly present and involved with the larger parish community;
• Adheres to the polices and guidelines of the parish employee handbook.
Interested and excited? We want to hear from you. Here is what we need:
If you think God is calling you to be the DYM at St. Mary of the Falls Parish, please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject line “SMOF Director of Youth Ministry.”
We are excited to hire our new DYM, so we will close applications for this position on December 31, 2024.
St. Mary of the Falls has a multi-decades long dedication to vibrant Youth Ministry; and has a long line of priestly and diaconal vocations to show for it. We have strong parish support for our young people and our youth ministry. Check out for complete details about our parish.
Send a Letter of Interest and complete resume to [email protected].
Title: Director of Youth Ministry
Status: Full Time – Exempt
Position Summary:
The Director of Youth Ministry (DYM) is passionate about leading high school teens closer to Christ through relational ministry, teaching and worship. This vital role coordinates the forming of Christ-centered relationships, joyfully proclaiming the teaching of the Catholic Church, and nurturing the Core Team and teens in discipleship. The DYM works under the direction of the Pastor as a member of the Parish Staff.
The Parish Staff is a group of disciples that are passionate about leading people closer to Christ through relational ministry and discipling of leaders. We recognize that this comes with great affirmation but also great spiritual attack, criticism, and sometimes frustration. We support each other in prayer through our victories and help each other when we fall. We strive for the best because the Gospel deserves it.
Our mission is to boldly proclaim Christ through the most fruitful practices of relational ministry and disciple-making, which empower “passionate” Catholics to become authentic and fearless disciples. We live that mission every day through a culture that is authentic, affirming, faithful to our primary vocation, joyful, charitable, centered in a Eucharistic-spirituality, and filled with a spirit of evangelization.
The individual that is going to succeed as DYM is self-motivated, collaborative, and joyful. Our DYM is excited at the prospect of forming a team to help disciple the high school youth of the parish.
This position isn’t for everyone, but if you think it might be for you then read on:
How you will make an impact at St. Mary of the Falls
• Promotes the formation of youth and adult leaders;
• Leads the Core Team and catechists in planning and coordinating programs and services;
• Develops job descriptions and recruitment processes;
• Facilitates the training and support of leaders;
• Recruits teen and adult leaders as role models, faith leaders, volunteers, and core members.
These are the skills you need to get the job:
Education, Training, and Experience
• BA in Theology/Religious Education or a related educational field and/or a certificate in Youth Ministry or theology from a Catholic institution of higher learning.
• Proven participation and continuing updating of the Virtus Safe Environment Program sponsored through the diocese.
• Promotes the formation of youth and adult leaders;
• Leads the Core Team and catechists in planning and coordinating programs and services;
• Develops job descriptions and recruitment processes;
• Facilitates the training and support of leaders;
• Recruits teen and adult leaders as role models, faith leaders, volunteers, and Core Team members.
Faith Formation
• Develops and directs the 8th grade Confirmation Program for teen-aged youth;
• Develops and implements evangelization and outreach programs for high school youth;
• Promotes active youth worship including inclusive and participative liturgy and prayer opportunities;
• Creates and oversees retreat opportunities;
• Makes certain all events and programs reflect sound Catholic teaching;
• Provides for and participates in ongoing education opportunities;
• Creates opportunities for service and links such opportunities to the fostering of peace and justice.
• Represents the needs of youth to the pastor, the pastoral team and the community;
• Facilitates the development of community among young people, their families, their parish and the local community;
• Supports families in their role of promoting healthy adolescent development and faith growth;
• Partners with local schools and the civic community to promote effective services for youth and positive values in youth;
• Acts as a liaison with the national Life Teen office and the Diocesan Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry;
• Is informed of and adheres to Church policies, local, state and federal laws pertaining to abuse to minors;
• Insures that all adult volunteers have received appropriate Virtus training and that they adhere to Safeguard the Children policies.
• Facilitates the planning, implementation and evaluation of department goals;
• Supervises the activities and schedules of department employees;
• Establishes a collaborative relationship with other members of the pastoral team;
• Develops and monitors a budget in collaboration with the Pastor and Business Manager;
• Assures that all legal, moral, and Diocesan responsibilities are provided for within the context of the youth program;
• Effectively provides communication to teens, the parish, and community regarding activities and events;
• Develops and maintains records and database(s) of information pertinent to the department such as membership lists, resource materials, event information, etc.
• Attends and actively participates at parish staff meetings and events;
• Keeps open lines of communication with other members of the parish staff regarding any items of concern or interest;
• Develops working relationships with School and Religious Education Departments and their staffs so as to provide youth with opportunities to be introduced to youth programs;
• Makes certain that parish property is respected and appropriately used;
• Participates in the life and activities of the parish and develops opportunities for youth to be visibly present and involved with the larger parish community;
• Adheres to the polices and guidelines of the parish employee handbook.
Interested and excited? We want to hear from you. Here is what we need:
If you think God is calling you to be the DYM at St. Mary of the Falls Parish, please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject line “SMOF Director of Youth Ministry.”
We are excited to hire our new DYM, so we will close applications for this position on December 31, 2024.
St. Mary of the Falls has a multi-decades long dedication to vibrant Youth Ministry; and has a long line of priestly and diaconal vocations to show for it. We have strong parish support for our young people and our youth ministry. Check out for complete details about our parish.
Send a Letter of Interest and complete resume to [email protected].