This form is for groups looking to buy, sell or drop spots before the February 29, 2024 drop deadline. Please fill out the form below so that we may accurately update our records and send a new invoice.

To drop spots back to Life Teen, simply fill out the form below and a new invoice will be sent to you after the change form is processed. Life Teen will not reimburse or refund any paid deposits but will drop these spots to ensure the group only owes final balances for the new confirmed total number.

To buy or sell spots with another group registered for the same week of camp as you, please have both groups complete the change form. We will not process any buy/sell change forms without submission from both groups involved. Life Teen will not reimburse, refund or exchange paid deposits between groups but we will exchange final balances to ensure each group owes a balance for the new confirmed totals.

Please use one form for all changes that you are aware of – you can select buying from another group, selling to another group and dropping spots to Life Teen all on the same form. If you have already submitted a form and are here to make an additional update, please select yes to the question have you already submitted a Change Form since your initial registration and include your most recent total number as most recent #of total spots on previous Change Form.

Paid deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable to the final balance or any other Life Teen events or products. All groups will owe the final balance on any spots reserved past February 29, 2024.