Harm No More: Love Notes, Genesis 50:20

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20

This verse has been haunting me all week. I guess more like romancing me than haunting me. It’s been following me around and reminding me of it’s existence like the living word of God has a way of doing. His word is alive and effective (Hebrews 4:12) and I find myself whispering this verse in my heart at the most inconvenient times. It’s the way that God is saying to me “I love you.”

Love. He is all love. So how then, could He ever let us be harmed without transforming that negative experience into something beautiful? This is grace.

Do you remember Joseph (and his probably-not-so-technicolor-dreamcoat) from the Old Testament? He was hated by most of his family. His brothers decided they wanted him out of their lives so they threw him in a well to die. Joseph was rescued and sold into slavery in Egypt. After years of being a slave he rose to a position of power and authority and was able to lead the nation through a terrible famine. His leadership saved lives, including the lives of his family members — the very ones who tried to kill him. As he looked at his brothers, the ones he could have hated as his enemies, he spoke this line to them: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).

The Bible is full of stories like this. People who are down and out and pretty sure the worst thing that could ever happen has just happened to them. People who have permission to give up hope because their situation is so dire. And God rescues them… but not in the way they would have wanted, or imagined.

Joseph spent many, many years as the lowest of the low before he realized what God had been doing in his life. His brothers were angry, broken, sinful men who chose to inflict pain on Joseph. But God used it for good… to save lives even.

This verse challenges me because there are so many events, circumstances, and heartbreaks in my life that feel a whole lot like harm. I have two choices in these moments of pain, or at the recollection of pain.

I could be a victim. I could say, “oh poor me, everything bad happens to me, the world is out to get me.” I would wallow in that self-pity and bring up my complaints every time someone asks me how I’m doing.

Or, I could chose to be the heroine of whatever circumstance I find myself in. I could look at the pain in my life and accept that it is a reality. I can give it to God because in all of history there isn’t one person who gave God their broken heart, or broken circumstances and in turn was let down by God. He has never and will never fail His people… myself included.

I don’t have to feel damaged because my God makes beautiful things out of brokenness. He is not content with my heart being harmed. He won’t leave me in that place no matter who or what has thrown me into the well of darkness. He will use it everything for good (Romans 8:28).

How can I not embrace every cross when I know it’s the tool God will use to save my soul and the souls of others? All I have to do is remember that truth.

Reflect/Journal/Talk about:

What’s that one thing in your life that is causing you pain? Mentally? Emotionally? Physically? What would your life be like if you agonized over this pain every day? What would your life look like if you chose to give it to God and trust in Him every day? Where do you want your energy to go — into letting go and embracing trust and hope, or into complaining and holding onto the harm? Pray or write out a prayer of forgiveness to whomever has hurt you — not because what they did was okay, but because you can be okay knowing God will bring good from it.