An Inconvenient Mission

Last weekend I watched 6 hours of my favorite TV show on Netflix.

Sure I stopped to make myself toaster waffles. And I think at one point I took a break to send an email because the world doesn’t understand me and won’t leave me alone.

When I finally walked out of my living room and into the (blinding) light of day, I felt quite the range of emotions starting with disgust, making a turn into the depths of shame, and ending somewhere with resolve and hope to be a more moderate, balanced, selfless person.

A resolve which, sadly, I find myself needing to be reminded of often.

But it’s not my fault! I blame modern culture! Just look at the world around you and you’ll be the only one looking at the world around you. It can seem like everyone else is totally self-centered, looking down at their phone and into the online world they live in — vying for likes, and followers, and anything to boost their self-esteem.

If it’s not the phone it’s something else that keeps us self-centered. Maybe it’s worrying constantly about what others think of us, or fighting for attention by creating drama, or complaining around the clock.

I think it’s become such a norm that we don’t even question it — this self-absorption. Until, that is, it leads to isolation, loneliness, and even lower self-esteem.

What can take me outside of myself? What can I do to think about myself less and others more? Because I’ve noticed something curious… While I’m living life looking inward to find joy, there are others living for a mission outside of themselves and they are so happy!

What’s the secret? The cure for self-centered unhappiness is self-gift in love. God told us this was true and because we are so stubborn, He also came to show us how to live it as well.

Jesus gave us everything, His whole life, and taught us that we too are capable of giving everything and in turn, getting all we need from Him. When we give our lives over to God and to His mission (Matthew 28:20), He gives us abundant life (John 10:10). It is in losing our lives that we gain everything (Matthew 16:25).

He never said it was going to be easy, or convenient, or super fun. God’s mission requires us to swim against the tide (Romans 12:2). Or leave our families and move across the country. Or to a different continent altogether. It requires that we get up off the couch and choose action over laziness. It means choosing virtue when sin is the easy option. It means saying yes every day to be a part of something bigger.

It’s always been evident to me that Life Teen is a part of that something bigger that God is doing. Is it easy or convenient to work in ministry and give everything to God? No. Is it easy to enter into the messiness of teens’ lives and speak truth in the darkness? No.

But is it life-giving? Yes. Does it help you grow in holiness to join God’s mission? Yes. And those are the things I care about.

You see… Life Teen is not just a non-profit organization. It’s God’s mission alive and active in our world. You have the choice to continue to find comfort in inactivity. You can choose to cling onto your time, talent, and treasure. Or you can be a part of what He’s doing. What’s your move going to be?

I’m not content to be a bystander while God is inviting me into His mission every minute of every day. If He’s on the move… so am I.

Each year, Life Teen raises funds during the Annual Appeal to enable the incredible things God is doing in this Movement. Our humble prayer is that you consider what your move looks like in relation to the Annual Appeal. Whether it’s through prayers, financial support, or both, we are eternally grateful.

Go to to give and transform the future of the Church.

PS. Sign up now to give ANY AMOUNT monthly and receive a USB loaded with the most inspirational Life Teen talks, videos, and resources from 2015!