Journeying Through Grief

“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Recently I attended a grief retreat where participants were grieving the loss of children, parents, family members, illnesses, family separation, relationships, childhood innocence, dreams they once had for the future, and so much more. I witnessed honesty, vulnerability […]

Being Catholic is More Than Something I “do”

Moreover, living out the Catholic faith means so much more than going to a certain high school or praying at a certain church on Sundays. It means we have been chosen by our heavenly Father to enter into an intimate relationship of infinite and unfailing love.

What it Really Means to Practice Self-Care

As good Christians, we are told to put our own needs aside for the good of the other, but there comes a point where we sacrifice so much of our own energy and resources that we no longer have anything good left for ourselves, our work, our relationships, or our spirituality.

Build a Better World

Romero is a perfect example of the inextricable link between orthodoxy and the call to resist injustices of the world; his life (and eventual death) proves that you don’t have to choose between one or the other. No one can look at his example and say it is too radical for Christians to seek justice for social issues.

He Meets us in our Mess

I am right in the thick of it too. I am no stranger to feeling like everything is out of my control, like I am knee deep in all the things, like everything’s a mess… like I am a mess.

18 Things to do Before you Turn 18

Turning 18 is a big point in a person’s life. It’s an age that signifies adulthood. But there’s a lot of life to be lived before you hit that age.

Thou Shall Not Judge

One cannot be just, without exercising just judgments. But, we have to be mindful of what we do and do not have authority to judge.