Thou Shall Not Judge

One cannot be just, without exercising just judgments. But, we have to be mindful of what we do and do not have authority to judge.

Comparing Isn’t Helping You and Here’s Why…

Albert Einstein famously said the following: “Every one is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” More often than not, I believe we are the fish, judging ourselves on our inability to […]

He Even Gives Gifts in Storms

His disciples pleaded for anything but the cross, and maybe we aren’t so different. Perhaps, Jesus stands before us and tells about a grand trial approaching, and we say to Him, “God forbid, Lord! Anything but that!”

How God Loves my Feminine Heart

As a kid, I thought, “How can both men and women be in the image of God? We don’t look the same!” Part of me started to worry that only men truly had that privilege and that I, being a girl, would never find my place in God’s plan or in the Church.

If You’re Broken You Belong

His love and mercy offered through the Church is for those of us who still need healing, not for those who have figured it out on their own. Still, though, despite this direct statement, many have been deceived to believe that the Church is where you go when you have it all together, not when you’re a work in progress.

I Just Went on Retreat… Now What?

The fire of the Holy Spirit that makes you feel so alive does not have to go away or die out when you leave from a retreat. The fire and life of the Holy Spirit is always alive in our hearts.

Expectations vs. Reality: Letting God Into Imperfection

It is amazing to think of the many moments of my day I allow frustration over feeling like I’m not in control to get the better of me. I often allow my expectations for perfection to affect my attitude, and ultimately my gratitude.