Helping Teens Navigate Stress: Practical Tips for the Road Ahead

It was a Thursday night, and I remember sitting on my bathroom floor weeping, thinking to myself, “I wonder how long it will take them to notice?” I was 16, newly licensed, playing high school basketball and club volleyball, attending agility training twice a week, trying to maintain my grades […]

Dealing With Anxiety as a Catholic

When I began to see just how much anxiety was affecting me, I started to pray and pray that God would alleviate this burden from my life.

Why You Should Take Your Mental Health Seriously

I know from experience that my anxiety increases during times when I stray from God and remain stuck in sin. But mental health cannot be reduced to a lack of love for Jesus because it is a complicated psychological and biological reality.

Why is Everything so Heavy?

Even when things feel heavy, we can rest assured that we are not abandoned. We are not too far gone. We have a peace deeper than this world

I Am Not Depression.

I am not depression. I am the son of the King. Even in darkness, He carries me.

He Was Only 14: A Case to End Bullying

He lived, but I will never forget the look on his face when he awoke in his hospital room. It was a look of disappointment. He was disappointed because he would rather be dead that have to live with the kind of torment he went through at school.