He Was Beside Me All Along

“Love transfigures everything and touches the most banal realities with the note of infinity.” – Father Jacques Philippe On a mission trip to Albany, New York, I served parishes and communities in the surrounding cities over spring break. As I sat on the plane on the way back to school, […]

The JOY of Easter

The best part about Lent is that we know what happens next — the joy of Easter when Christ rises from the dead and we rise with Him!

Love Wins. Death No More.

What if we lived as though death no longer existed?

No, but really. What if we lived as though death was literally not an option for us? What if we chose to radically live in the newness of life that Jesus offers us through His Resurrection?

By living as if death no longer existed, I don’t mean living naively as though to ignore the reality of death. Living this way means viewing death on earth not as an end to life, but a new beginning, the start of an eternity in the presence of God.