What God Showed Me Through My Summer Job

It was my first summer out of college. Half of the students my age were participating in brilliant internship programs, while I was applying to any minimum wage job within a 5 mile radius from home.

After lots of showing my face, and giving the manager a resume in hand, I got a job at Panera Bread.

We don’t think about how something as simple as a summer job can help us grow in love and service. It’s probably because we limit the opportunities by which we can to be Christ to our neighbor.

In the simplest gestures, we are called to be His hands and feet. Often we feel that in order to do God’s work it has to be something great, something extraordinary, but that’s not the case. God calls us to be HIS face to everyone we meet, and that can be done by just offering a kind smile. We are called to bring His love to those that surround us, no matter the circumstances.

My goals for the summer were: get a job, make money, learn how to drive.

God had so much more for me than this list that I limited myself to.

My job wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Some days were very challenging. Those days I wanted to leave, but during tough moments I learned to offer it up to God in prayer. I started to incorporate God in my work, and it became instantly more fulfilling. Yes, I was doing physical labor, but through my physical labor, I was accomplishing spiritual labors. I was doing God’s labor in other people’s lives, without even knowing it.

As I was gracing others through my service, the Lord was gracing me with a new perspective on the beauty of life. All walks of life surrounded me at my job. I saw people of different cultures, and backgrounds. I saw babies, elders, toddlers, and teens. I saw people just starting to speak, and people who couldn’t anymore because a disease took their capability to away. Everyone I saw was united by the same purpose: food. But on a deeper level, everyone was united by their humanity. Everyone was united in their need for a Savior.

As I let His greatness exalt my little actions, I started to see His creations for what they truly are: beautiful sons and daughters of God. Every person is loved unconditionally by Him!

God showed me His glory in unexpected ways through my summer job. If I didn’t pay attention or surrender my work to Him, I would’ve missed it.

The summer may be over, but God is always revealing Himself. He whispers to us in the soft melodies we have made our background noise. He veils himself in the little things we casually look over.

Is there something you need to surrender so you can hear better or see clearer? The Lord is desperately trying to reveal something to you. What is it He is showing you this school year?